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  2. Cancellation Policy
  3. Dental Professional Cancellation Policy 2024

What are the penalties for canceling confirmed shifts?

Our dental practice owners and managers love how reliable and amazing our job-seekers are. Our job-seekers love our dental practice owners and managers for being exceptionally dependable. When we encounter behavior that endangers this love and trust from our dental community, we enforce the following penalties. 

  • Temporary Account Restriction 

    • When does this penalty apply? 
    • What’s the penalty? 
      • You won’t be able to apply for new shifts—but you’ll still be obligated to work any already-confirmed shifts.* Pending shifts can still be confirmed by dental practices and become scheduled shifts. (Always contact our Customer Success team if you have any questions about whether or not you are still expected to work a shift while under temporary account restriction.) 
      • PTO, Care Benefit hours, and health insurance coverage will be forfeited, along with any earned or accumulating Brand Ambassador rewards.    
    • How do I remove this restriction from my account?
      • Our Customer Success team, in collaboration with our Human Resources and Compliance Manager, will review restricted accounts on a case-by-case basis. 

*Temporary account restriction does not remove your obligation to work any other confirmed shifts, unless the dental practice cancels those shifts. Thanks for planning accordingly! Not showing up for these shifts might result in permanent suspension from our platform, unless you have a valid reason for cancellation.

  • Permanent Suspension

      • When does this penalty apply? 
        • “No-call, no-show”: You don’t show up to a confirmed shift, and you haven’t notified onDiem more than 24 hours before the shift.  
        • You don’t have an excusable reason for cancellation, and you cancel a confirmed shift 1 day (24 hours) or less before the shift is scheduled to begin.
        • You abandon a job without the practice’s and onDiem’s permission, and without a valid reason. 
      • What’s the penalty? 
        • This is considered the most serious breach of your agreement with onDiem—and it will unfortunately result in your account being permanently suspended.  
        • PTO, Care Benefit hours, and health insurance coverage will be forfeited, along with any earned or accumulating Brand Ambassador rewards.
  • How do I remove this restriction from my account?
      • Any “no-call, no show”s determined to be the result of a catastrophic event or force of nature beyond your control will be reconsidered for reinstatement with proper documentation. 
      • Permanent suspension is rarely reversed—but our Customer Success team will always work closely with our Human Resources and Compliance Manager, to review accounts on a case-by-case basis.