1. Knowledge Base
  2. Cancellation Policy
  3. Dental Professional Cancellation Policy 2024

I need to cancel a shift 1 day (24 hours) or less in advance. What should I know?

This section applies to you if you’re canceling a confirmed shift with only one day’s (24 hours) notice or less before your shift is scheduled to begin

At this point, a cancellation is likely to affect a dental practice on our platform in some serious and consequential ways. We’ll accept an excusable reason for shift cancellation, along with proof or verification—but otherwise, your account may be permanently suspended from our platform. 

Remember: If you cancel three times (for excused reasons) in a quarter* with less than four days’ notice, we’ll assume there’s something going on in your life that makes it difficult for you to meet your commitments. We may implement a “Leave of Absence” hold on your account to help you rest and recover. 

*When we say “quarter,” we mean a standard calendar quarter (January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December).