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  2. Cancellation Policy
  3. Dental Professional Cancellation Policy 2024

What does it mean to be placed on a "Leave of Absence"?

If you cancel three times in a quarter* due to an injury or contagious illness, or if you cancel due to a serious catastrophic event, we’ll place your account in a “leave of absence” state. You won’t be able to book new shifts, and we’ll go ahead and cancel any future booked shifts so that you have time to recover. Consider it a mini-vacation of sorts—and we’ll set your account back to normal once a physician verifies your ability to return to work, or after our team has evaluated your case post-event. Here’s what you should know about leave: 

  • When does leave automatically apply to my account? 
  • How do I set my account back to normal? 
    • We’ll need a note from a doctor or medical professional stating that you’re able and well enough to return to work. When you’re ready, email our support team to let them know, and our team will send you a secure digital folder where you can upload all necessary documentation. (We do this to keep your information and data secure!) Please wait until you receive this folder—and as a rule of thumb, don’t share any private information via email. Remember: All information you send us will be kept strictly confidential and only shared with team members who need to evaluate your case. 

*When we say “quarter,” we mean a standard calendar quarter (January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December).