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  2. Frequently Asked Questions
  3. Account set up and account editing for practices

How do I register a dental practice?

How do I register a dental practice? Setting up your practice account and profile Support

To set up an account for your dental practice: 

  1. Click 'Sign Up' in the navigation header bar (desktop) or in the navigation menu (mobile)

  2. Click 'Post Work' 

  3. Enter the name of your practice

  4. Enter an email address for your account. NOTE: You can only use one email per account. All correspondence to your practice will be sent to this email address.

  5. Enter a password for your account

  6. Confirm the password for your account

  7. Check the box to agree to onDiem's terms and conditions

  8. Click 'Continue'

  9. Your account will then be created. At this point you will be logged in to your new practice dashboard.

Mobile how-to video:

Desktop how-to video:

Need assistance? We are happy to help! Simply click the chat icon and our support team will be in touch.

What's Next?

How Do I Edit My Practice Profile?

How do I Create a Temp Job Post?

How do I Create a Permanent Job Post?

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